Review-Revenge from the African Jungle
Book Title: Revenge from the African Jungle Genre:Literary Fiction Author: Fuseini Abubakar Reviewer: Rosemond (Ama Rose) Nyansafo Revenge from the African Jungle by Fuseini Abubakar is a captivating adventure novel that takes readers on a thrilling journey through the African jungle. The story is filled with suspense, action, and themes of redemption, making it an engaging and satisfying read. The novel follows the protagonist, Bariki, a young African man seeking to find his purpose and path through several opportunities. His luck shines when he identifies the skill of hunting and discovers a “hunting friend” along this expedition. His good fortune becomes a bad omen to another group of others set deep within the African Jungle. As Bariki expands his fortunes and fame, his enemies in contrast widen their plots to take their revenge. Abubakar's writing style is vivid and descriptive, painting a clear and concise picture of the dense African jungle and...