Father Matthew smiled as he saw me emerge from the small gathering.
We were all clad in white robes with strings as fasteners around our waists.
The robes, our skin, his skin, yes his albino skin together with the red earth gave such a contrasting yet intriguing detail .
I stood at the shallow end of the stream which served as the source of water to the entire village. I was one of the new converts and the last to be baptised. They said i had to die and resurrect three times to complete the rite.
"Are you anxious my child?" Father inquired.
"Yes I am" , I gently whispered.
📸: Etsy.comFather Mathew slightly nodded and smiled.
"It will be over soon and that anxiety will be replaced with joy".He added.
One hand on my back, the other on my forehead.
Eyes closed, heart pounding.
Then...I heard it!
It was clear and sharp!
An unmistakable voice!!
It resided in my head, only in mine.
This message wasn't like the others, it wasn't a suggestion. It wasn't a question.
It was a command!
"You are a Phoenix, death in flame and birthed from its ashes is a cycle you posses, do not allow him immerse you in the water, it would quench that fire in you".
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